- Palley, A.B., Steffen, T.D., Zhang, X.F. 2025. The Effect of Dispersion on the Informativeness of Consensus Analyst Target Prices. Management Science (Articles in Advance).
- Soll, J.B., Palley, A.B., Klayman, J., Moore, D.A. 2024. Overconfidence in Probability Distributions: People Know They Don’t Know but They Don’t Know What to Do About It. Management Science 70(11): 7422-7442.
- Palley, A.B., Satopää, V. 2023. Boosting the Wisdom of Crowds Within a Single Judgment Problem: Weighted Averaging Based on Peer Predictions. Management Science 69(9): 5128-5146.
- Soll, J.B., Palley, A.B., Rader, C.A. 2022. The Bad Thing About Good Advice: Understanding When and How Advice Exacerbates Overconfidence. Management Science 68(4): 2949-2969.
- Palley, A.B., Soll, J.B. 2019. Extracting the Wisdom of Crowds When Information is Shared. Management Science 65(5): 2291-2309.
- Winner of the 2021 Decision Analysis Society Publication Award.
- Winner of the 2018 Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award.
- Winner of the 2015 Decision Analysis Society Student Paper Award.
- Offerman, T., Palley, A.B. 2016. Lossed in Translation: An Off-the-Shelf Method to Recover Probabilistic Beliefs from Loss-Averse Agents. Experimental Economics 19(1): 1-30.
- Palley, A.B., Kremer, M. 2014. Sequential Search and Learning from Rank Feedback: Theory and Experimental Evidence. Management Science 60(10): 2525-2542.
- Keeney, R.L., Palley, A.B. 2013. Decision Strategies to Reduce Teenage and Young Adult Deaths in the United States. Risk Analysis 33(9): 1661-1676.
Working Papers
- Palley, T.S., Palley, A.B., Butters, R.A., Çetin, O. 2024. Charging into the Future: Intermittency and the Role of Energy Storage in the Transition to a Renewable Electric Grid.
- Invited for presentation at the MSOM Sustainable Operations SIG 2024 Conference
- Palley, T.S., Jose, V.R.R., Palley, A.B., Keeney, R., Juric, M. 2024. Evaluating Investments in Asteroid Detection Technologies to Prevent Catastrophic Impacts on Earth.
- Finalist for the 2023 Decision Analysis Society Practice Award.
- Satopää V.A., Palley, A.B., Grushka-Cockayne, Y., Persinger, C.C. 2024. Machine-Moderated Judgmental Forecasting to Improve Prediction Accuracy.
- Palley, A.B., Bansal, S. 2021. Is it Better to Elicit Quantile or Probability Judgments to Estimate a Continuous Distribution? Elicit Both and Create an Inner Crowd.
- Palley, A.B. 2017. Extending the Wisdom of Crowds: Quantifying Uncertainty Using the Mean and Variance of a Collection of Point Estimates.